Check your firing balance online!

  • Students can access their firing fees, credit purchases, and clay & tools fees records online by using their email.

  • Students do not input any credits or debits online and cannot change their logs. Staff will input each student’s credits and debits.

  • Each credit log is associated with a student email. Students do not need a password to access their record online. If the email address you try does not work, email CAC to see which email we have on file.

  • It can take one to two weeks for a student’s record to be updated online since we need to collect firing slips after your piece is in the kiln and material purchases from all the class rosters and input them into the system. When you look up your credit, it will show when it was last updated.

  • Any unpaid balance after the end of the class will either be invoiced to the student or the balance will roll over if the student is taking another class.

Read the guide below to see how it works:

Credit Log Guide [PDF]


Email Notifications

If you have a negative balance, you will get an automatic email notification from mail@clayartcenter. The email is a general email that says your credit is negative, and gives you options to pay. If your balance is negative two weeks after the initial notification, you will get another email notification reminder. 

If you have any questions, email